
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


The biggest theme for our first 2024 summer release notes is using the portal for engineering insights. Portals are a natural place to understand everything about the engineering organization: its productivity, agility and standards compliance. This is a result of the fact that the portal is a single source of truth about teams, developers, services and infrastructure and the relationships between them. This new software engineering intelligence capability makes Port more useful to engineering leaders, especially since Port doesn't just provide insights but also the power to change behavior, productivity, and standards compliance.
Historical data trends - engineering insights 💡📉
Line chart
Port now supports tracking and visualization of historical data. This is ideal for a variety of what's called "software engineering intelligence" needs, such as DORA and other engineering productivity metrics, and also useful for any work on standards compliance. We're thinking of calling this set of capabilities "insights" 💡. Practically you can use it as a line chart widget that displays the history of number properties as trends. Line charts can also visualize the history of aggregation and calculation properties to create a bird's-eye view of custom metrics, such as:
  • Tracking engineering metrics
  • Following the scorecard passthrough rate
  • Open critical vulnerabilities trends, and more
See docs to learn more.
Map GitHub file content to the catalog 📄
Bring GitOps to life with
mapping, enriching your catalog with any data you already have in your repositories:
  1. Use JQ to map specific fields to your catalog entities. For example, map the "package manager" from a
    file to a service entity
  2. Create and update multiple entities based on arrays in files. For example, map all dependencies from a
    as an entity per dependency
See docs to learn how to map file content from GitHub.
Multiple approvers to self-service actions
For cases that require multiple approvals, you can now require more than one approval for an action to be completed. All approvers will be notified and can add a note explaining their decision. See the docs to learn more.
Define relations based on any property
When defining relations as part of integration mapping, you can now define the relation using a comparison with any entity property instead of just the identifier. See docs.
View permissions at the API level
You can now enforce view permission for entities according to roles, users, specific teams, or dynamic team ownership, which will take effect both on the Port app and when interacting with the API. See docs.
Live examples for JQ and Mapping playgrounds
Test examples
We added a live examples capability when testing the mapping for K8s, GitHub and BitBucket exporters to make the mapping experience much easier.
Mirror properties for many-to-many relationships
Mirror and view multiple related entities and their properties.
Use entity context when triggering automation with the timer expired trigger
You can now use entity details for context when defining automations based on their timer expiration trigger. Learn more on how to use trigger context in automations.
Create machine admin tokens
You can now separate the identities of machines by creating multiple machine tokens via the API.
These release notes mark a significant milestone for Port: automations. Ever since we began developing Port, we knew that the software catalog is at the core of the portal, that it is real-time, and that it contains important context other tools don’t have. The next logical step was leveraging this power for automations, which were possible in Port but complex. These release notes contain the automations feature. It is meant to help you realize the power of the portal. Stay tuned: we have more to do on the automations front, and we will.
We are excited to unveil our new Automations feature, designed to streamline and enhance your developer workflows. Automations allow you to automatically trigger workflows, alerts, and notifications based on changes within the software catalog, such as a new entity being created, a timer that expired, a scorecard change, or any other change in existing entity data. See docs to learn how to set up your first automation.
AWS and Datadog integrations powered by Ocean
Frame 1261152344
integration is now better, allowing you to display an accurate, real-time representation of your AWS resources as part of your software catalog and customize the integration in Port. See docs.
With the new
integration, you can import monitors (also known as alerts), SLOs, and services from your Datadog account into the Port software catalog. See docs.
Custom scorecard levels
product image-1
You can now define custom levels and colors for scorecards. For example, you can use
levels with stoplight colors. See docs.
Mapping playground for data sources
product image-2
Creating and tweaking how data sources map to your software catalog is now a much better experience, as we introduced a playground to test your mapping on real examples. See docs.
IaC support improvements
  • Terraform data sources:
    We now support Search API through Terraform, which allows users to apply automation and resource creation based on the software catalog data in Port. See docs
  • Integration configurations:
    You can now manage all organizational integrations from one central location, including Ocean, K8s, and GitHub. For example, in case you manage multiple exporters of the same integration and you want it to have the same mapping, you can now efficiently manage mapping using IaC, setting mapping in a variable file as a single source of truth. See docs
  • Actions resource:
    Updated our actions resource to include customizing the action payload and adding filters on day-2 actions. See docs
  • Blueprint permissions:
    You can now manage Blueprint Permissions. See docs
  • Skip catalog page creation when adding a new blueprint:
    You can now skip catalog page creation during blueprint creation, preventing state discrepancies caused by unintended page creations. This can also be determined when creating a blueprint via the API. See docs
New API docs experience
As an API-first company, we are proud of our API and its capabilities. Today, we improved our API Reference so you can explore, learn, and test the API routes more efficiently than ever. Visit the new API docs
Ability to filter entities for self-service actions
You can now apply filters and conditions to day-2 actions so that they appear only on the relevant entity actions list. See docs.
Delete entities via a webhook integration
You can now delete entities using a webhook integration definition. See docs.
More relevant results in global search
We improved the order in which global search results appear, making it easier to find what you need. See docs
Automatically rotate organization secret
You can now rotate your Port organization secret/s using the UI or the API. See docs
Update/create Port entity invocation type
As part of the automation feature, we added an invocation method to create or update entities in the software catalog based on the automation context or user inputs. This is useful for automating changes based on events in the software catalog or creating self-service actions to update specific properties of an entity utilizing RBAC for self-service actions. See docs.
Our biggest news this month is the GCP integration, allowing you to see all GCP resources in the portal, in context of any other software catalog entity. We’ve also worked on many usability improvements, and added a handy automation feature.
In other news, we also released a simple tool to help you plan your portal roadmap as part of our portal-as-product approach. You can access it here.
GCP integration - powered by Ocean 🔌
New Ocean integration
You can now ingest Google Cloud resources into the software catalog, including projects, container clusters, cloud-run services, BigQuery tables, compute engine autoscaler, and other GCP objects. The integration with GCP supports real-time event processing, which allows for an accurate real-time representation of your Google Cloud infrastructure inside Port. See docs.
Define the self-service action payload
Control the payload
You can now create custom payloads when setting up actions. You can use it to set up self-service actions that can directly connect to existing APIs or pipelines without the need to make adjustments in a separate step. See docs.
Builder data model view improvements
Hide in data model
In the builder tab, we made working on the data model easier:
  • Hide blueprints
    - We now allow hiding blueprints in the data model view, reducing unnecessary visual complexity
  • Search blueprints
    - You can search and discover all blueprints, shown or hidden
Mirror properties improvements
Existing integration improvements
  • Azure ocean integration: Manage multiple subscriptions in one installation. You can now manage multiple Azure subscriptions under one installation, significantly reducing the maintenance efforts of your integration. See docs
  • Kubernetes exporter: Manage resources using Kubernetes CRDs (See guide) and map each item from an array into your catalog with
    (See docs)
Display a single property as a number chart
You can now display a specific entity’s number property in any dashboard with the number chart. For example, get an MTTR metric for a service directly from PagerDuty and display it on the specific entity dashboard. See docs.
Automatically trigger an action on behalf of a user
You can now set an automated workflow by triggering actions automatically on behalf of users. These actions will show up for users on their “my actions” panels. See docs
It’s springtime, and along with the new flowers, leaves and the natural beauty of the season, Port re-branded. In case you haven’t noticed, check out the Port site or your Port developer portal. We also invested in letting you create personalized places for developers where they can easily see what needs to be done, and similar experiences for platform engineers modifying the data model.
Brand new Port
We're excited to unveil Port's fresh rebranding. Here’s to our designers Val Burtakov and Ory Zydner, for better expressing what Port is all about, and creating a site and brand that we really love. Have a look.
Change the data model directly in the software catalog
Instead of working in the builder section of the portal, platform engineers can now make changes to the data model directly in the software catalog. You can now add and edit properties in catalog tables, making data model changes easy and immediately seeing how the changes will be seen by developers.
Add self-service action as a widget
With the new “Action Card” widget, you can now add self-service actions to your dashboards within its context, creating a holistic developer experience. For example, add a “Rollback Service” action to an incident management dashboard. This reduces context switching and helps make any insight immediately actionable. You can display one or more actions in one widget. Learn more.
Export data from table
You can now download a specific table view as a CSV or JSON file for further use.
Search in catalog pages
We’ve added a new sidebar search so you can easily find the catalog page you need.
Map each item from an array with
in Ocean integration
Create and update entities based on any array in an incoming event. Learn more
Gitlab Ocean integration - granular webhooks
The Gitlab Ocean integration now allows the creation of webhooks on specific groups and choosing which branch to listen to.
The biggest item in February’s release notes is Folders. Folders play a key role in realizing our portal-as-product approach, since they allow platform engineers to provide the right experience by developer, team, and manager. Folders let you group portal elements in a way that makes immediate sense to users and only provide them with what they need for a given use case. Additional items this month also focus on improving portal experiences, from the ability to add page and dashboard descriptions to action run status labels.
Create developer experiences using Folders
We are excited to announce the release of folders!
  • Folders allow you to customize the Port sidebar, grouping portal elements by use case, persona, team, etc. By organizing your portal with folders, Port becomes a space that feels specifically designed for any developer workflow.
  • A folder can include dashboards, catalogs, or additional sub-folders up to three levels deep. This flexibility allows for a structured and clear organization of the portal's resources and should be done to simplify the portal for users.
  • You can expose users to specific folders by setting permissions for pages inside them.
Azure DevOps integration powered by Ocean
New integrations - February
This Ocean-powered integration makes it easier to integrate Azure DevOps by adding Projects, Repositories, Pull requests, Repository policies, Pipelines, Teams and Members to your catalog. Learn more.
Quickly debug your integrations with live event logs
Live events
You can now view live event logs coming from Ocean integrations. These events contain valuable details for debugging your integration, such as the current status of the ocean container, resync process, and integration startup.
The new event log view is available for all Ocean integrations on the “Data sources” page.
Action run status label
You can now add a custom label to the action run status to reflect any step in the action process. These will be shown as part of the action run status card panel. Learn more.
Pages description
Page description
Add descriptions to pages and dashboards to make them easier to understand and search. Descriptions can be added when creating or editing the page or using the API.
Improvements in existing integrations and guides
  • K8s exporter - we reintroduced the ability to maintain your catalog data based on ConfigMap
  • SonarQube Ocean integration - we added support for on-premise analysis, leveraging PR and Measures API from SonarQube
  • Pagerduty Ocean integration - we added support for analytics on the service blueprint
  • BitBucket Server integration - our Python script now supports filtering specific projects to ingest from your Bitbucket environment
  • New cloud resources permissions guide - see this new comprehensive guide on how to implement IAM and Cloud resources in port
Load entity example when testing JQ
Page description
When testing JQ expression for a new calculation property, you can now load an existing entity example to test with real scenarios.
Actions and scorecards Audit Log
Audit log
See changes in actions and scorecards definitions using the Audit Log page.
User form Boolean input is now a toggle
For a better user form experience, we now support a toggle form input type. Note that “Select” input type is still available for cases where more than True/False is needed.
Terraform and Pulumi support for page permissions
You can now configure page permissions with IaC. See docs for Terraform or Pulumi.
New GitHub actions
  • You can now use our provided Github action to delete a Github repo
  • With the new Ocean Sail GitHub action, you can quickly and easily configure an Ocean integration to run as part of your GitHub workflow.
visualize your CI/CD pipelines by adding views for Jenkins jobs, builds, and users. Install integration here. See docs here.
provide developers and security engineers with a centralized view of their Wiz controls and issues. Install integration here. See docs here.
Improvements in existing integrations
  • All Ocean integrations now support installation using ArgoCD. Learn more.
  • Snyk - Added a new feature to auto-discover all groups and organizations associated with the Snyk ocean integration. Learn more.
  • ArgoCD - added support for ingesting ArgoCD deployment history into Port. Learn more.
  • Terraform cloud - added for support ingesting organization into Port. Learn more.
  • Kubernetes - added for support ingesting Kyverno policies into Port. Learn more.
  • AWS - added support for ingesting AWS ECR images into Port. Learn more.
  • AWS cost - added support for ingesting AWS cost using a GitLab Pipeline. Learn more.
  • JFrog - added support for ingesting artifacts and repositories into Port. Learn more.
  • GitHub - added support for ingesting GitHub users and GitHub packages into Port.
  • Bitbucket Server - use our script to easily ingest files in every repository and display them in Port as a Markdown page.
Pre-made GitHub actions
Use these actions to create self-service actions for your developers - provision Azure resources, trigger Datadog incidents
JQ errors in the UI
To make it easy to debug issues when writing JQ, we now display JQ error messages when trying to test or save invalid JQ.
Enhanced search capability for tables
The table “free search” capability has improved and now supports searching each word separately instead of the entire search term.
JSON edit mode for self-service actions
When creating/editing self-service actions, you can now switch to “JSON mode” instead of the editing form.
Terraform provider enhancements
We enhanced the Terraform provider by adding support for - aggregation properties, and the “required” JQ setting for self-service actions.
Builder section is no longer in-view for Members
In order to create a more seamless experience for Port Members, the "Builder" tab is now hidden for them.
2023 was a breakout year for Port, and these release notes mark the end of a year that was spent making Port better, together with our community. Since opening the roadmap (see here) we’ve received numerous insights about what you need us to do in Port. In 2024 we hope to do more, better and faster, so that you can deliver exceptional developer experience and productivity using Port.
Drive engineering standards across the organization with initiative & scorecard dashboards
We added ready-made and easy-to-create dashboards so that you can simply track engineering scorecards and initiatives. Once defined, the dashboards will appear in the catalog section.
  1. Scorecard dashboards track the status and progress of an entire scorecard, such as production readiness, security, quality, etc.
  2. Initiative dashboards track the status and progress of specific scorecard rules.
Just like any other page in Port, you can customize these dashboards to your liking (such as adding/removing dashboard widgets) ✨
You can create these dashboards by clicking on the “New” button in the “Catalog” section.
Initiative dashboard
New dashboard
Visualize your Kubernetes runtime with the improved Kubernetes integration
We’ve improved Port’s Kubernetes integration and made it simpler with the following:
  1. The management of the integration configuration is now done via Port’s UI/API instead of saving a “Config.yaml” file in the Kubernetes cluster’s config map.
  2. Ability to resync the integration automatically after updating its configuration.
  3. Upon installing the integration, Port will automatically create several blueprints, pages, and dashboards out of the box, letting you easily get started visualizing your K8s with Port.
View action run history with the action run widget
The “Action run” widget allows you to display a table with the run history of a specific self-service action. This new widget can be added to any dashboard.
The widget will display as columns the general details of each run (ID, status, start, end) and also the specific inputs of the action that was filled by the user who executed it.
Action run
New integrations
We have added more integrations that are powered by Ocean 🌊
  1. ServiceNow - incident management (install here, see docs here).
  2. Terraform Cloud - track infrastructure and run status (install here, see docs here).
Dynamic “Me” filter for table
When filtering a user property, you can now select the "Me" option in the "Has any of" operator to display only the entities with the logged-in user in the specific user property.
This is very useful when creating personalized views. For example, creating a personal on-call view containing only the services with the logged-in user in the "On-call" user property.
Delete and update default pages
When a new blueprint is created, a default catalog page is created automatically.
In some cases, these pages can clutter the catalog side menu. Previously, they couldn't be deleted, and now you can! We hope this change will help you build a more clean and intuitive catalog for users 👩‍💻
Note - you can always re-create pages by clicking the "New" button in the "Catalog" menu and clicking on the "New catalog page" button.
Delete page
Manage action permissions using IaC
You can now manage self-service action permissions using IaC. See docs for Terraform & Pulumi.
GitLab integration - support system hooks
When an organization has a lot of projects/repositories, it can be difficult to create an Ocean deployment config that will automatically create the webhooks on all those projects.
Using “System” hooks, the GitLab integration will create a single webhook for the entire GitLab instance.
Export backup of your Port account
We created a handy script to help you easily back up your entire Port account (blueprints, entities, actions, scorecards, and teams).
Swagger UI property - Async API V3 Support
You can now display V3 Async API specification using the Swagger UI blueprint property type.
Install Port integrations using ArgoCD
We’ve added documentation about how to install the following integrations using ArgoCD - Port self-service actions agent, Kubernetes, and any Ocean integration.
In this edition of Port’s release notes, we’re focused on making metrics and scorecards actionable and easy to use as well as customizing the developer experience ✨
Calculate and view aggregated metrics
The new “Aggregation” property type for blueprints allows you to calculate metrics based on the relations in your catalog, supporting many aggregation types such as count, average, min, max, sum, and median.
Examples of aggregation properties for a microservice:
  1. Number of open Jira tickets.
  2. Number of open vulnerabilities.
  3. Average deployment frequency last week.
  4. Build success rate.
Aggregated metrics are also valuable for scorecards.
To create a new aggregation property, go to the “Builder” page → expand a blueprint → click on the “New property” button → choose the “Aggregation” property type.
Learn more about the aggregation property type here.
Build curated dashboards & homepages by controlling their layout
Dashboards just become way more awesome! You can now fully control the dashboards and homepage layout by changing the location and size of the dashboard widgets, allowing you to curate views for the exact needs of your users for an optimized developer experience! 🚢
Dashboards layout
Create dynamic self-service action forms by controlling self-service input visibility and required settings
When building a self-service action, you can now use the
keys to dynamically hide/show inputs and set the “required” setting by creating conditions based on form inputs, action, and user data.
These two additions let you create sophisticated forms that support multiple scenarios and adapt to the needs of your users.
Visibility control
Scorecard report and reminders
Automatically send Slack reminders or reports relating to scorecards or initiatives. This reminds developers of standards that should be met, and helps managers stay on top of changes or initiatives.
Reminders and reports
Sync Jira tasks with scorecards
Often, developers need to perform different code and configuration changes to reach desired standards as defined in scorecards or initiatives.
You can now automatically open Jira tasks in case standards aren’t met, and also close them upon resolution.
Sync jira with scorecards
New developer portal guides
To help you quickly get up and running with Port, we have created step-by-step guides for common use cases to implement in your developer portal.
Here are new guides from the last month:
  1. Visualize your services' k8s runtime
  2. Let developers enrich services using Gitops
To view all guides, see the guides docs page or go to Port’s guides hub by going to the “Builder” page → clicking the “Guides” button at the top right of the page.
Control the payload of a self-service action
When using the Port agent for self-service actions, you can now alter the requests sent to your third-party application by providing a payload mapping config file when deploying the Port-agent container.
This will allow you to curate the payload sent to 3rd party applications according to their specific requirements.
Set the initial filters in a catalog page
You can now change the initial catalog page filters to determine the initial data displayed on a catalog page. This is useful for creating more focused views by default, without filtering the table after it loads.
To change the initial filters, click on the page menu button → click on “Edit page”.
Initial filters
Here are October's release notes. If there is an overarching theme, it is that of personalization and visualization. With new table summaries, we allow you to create valuable home pages, dashboards, and catalog views. With FinOps integrations, we provide you with the data to make those views even more powerful.
Create detailed dashboards with custom tables 🖼️
With the new table widget, you can display any catalog table in your dashboards by defining custom selections. For instance, a table widget can show all open pull requests or deployments from the last 24 hours. This provides a richer experience to developers and managers.
Visualize aggregated data with table summaries 📊
Using Table summaries you can add better data visualization to dashboards, catalog pages and developer/manager home pages.
Column summary - the bottom row of each table displays a summary of all values for each table column.
Group summary - when applying a "group by" to a table, each group will have summaries for that group for each table column.
This capability offers a quick and easy way to consume data, such as:
  1. Aggregated data views that answer questions like "How many Node services are in my organization/team?"
  2. High-level views for managers, team leaders, and developers, such as scorecard levels across services by team/domain, percentage of scorecard rules passed by team/domain, and more.
Table summaries are available in catalog pages and table widgets, as well as dashboards. The current version includes summaries for the following columns: Enum, Scorecards, and Scorecard rules. Stay tuned for more column types in the future.
Define accurate authorization conditions with dynamic permissions for self-service actions 🔑
You can now set action execution permissions according to your blueprint definitions. When configuring permissions to execute an action, the new capability can query the catalog to create a permission condition based on these queries. This enables scenarios such as:
  1. Allowing a developer to execute the "Deploy" action only if the developer is related to the same domain as the service.
  2. Allowing a user to execute the "Lock/unlock deployments" action only if the user appears in the catalog as the "team leader" of that service.
See how to define dynamic permissions.
Track and optimize costs using kubecost, opencost, and AWS cost reports 💰
We have added several cost management integrations:
  1. Kubecost and opencost - tools that allow measuring and allocating costs for Kubernetes and other cloud resources.
  2. AWS cost report - contains your resources bill details.
With these new integrations, you can easily bring cost data and incorporate it into your catalog by displaying it in different views and dashboards, enabling developers, teams, and managers to stay on top of costs in the organization at any level (service, team, domain, and more).
Refer to our docs to read more about the kubecost, opencost, and AWS cost integrations.
Personal tokens & access control 👤
Any user can now generate an access token with their authenticated permissions, enabling anyone to have access control at the API usage level.
To generate a personal token, click on the menu button at the right side of the top navigation menu and click on “Credentials”.
Additional integrations
We have added more integrations that are powered by Ocean 🌊
  1. FireHydrant - incident management (install here, see docs here).
  2. Snyk - tracking code vulnerabilities (install here, see docs here).
  3. Sentry - APM & alerting (install here, see docs here).
  4. Kafka - event processing data (install here, see docs here).
Dynamic filters for widgets
When filtering the data of a widget, you can now reference user data (such as the user's team). This creates personalized user dashboards.
For example, create a "my open Jira issues" table that will contain only the logged-in user's open issues. This capability is available for all selection-based widgets (pie chart, number chart, and catalog table).
Guides and tutorials
To help you quickly get up and running with Port, we have created step-by-step guides for common use cases to implement in your developer portal.
Each guide covers an end-to-end developer routine, which can be used by your organization when completing it.
To view the guides, see the guides docs page or go to Port’s guides hub by going to the “Builder” page → click on “Guides” button at the top right of the page.
Display scorecard rules as table columns
Scorecard rules can now be displayed as table columns. This lets you create views focusing on improving specific parts of a scorecard and letting users drill down on scorecards easily right from the table.
GitLab - monorepo support
The GitLab integration allows exporting of specific folders into catalog entities. This new capability enables visualizing your monorepo services in Port.
GitHub - deployments and environments support
We have added the ability to export deployments and environments into catalog entities.
This month's release notes are all about the developer experience, customizing the developer homepage/dashboard, and helping developers immediately see what's important for them. Additionally, we added tools to make it easier for the portal admins to see which data sources are in use and what they're adding to the portal.
Manage integrations and APIs with the “Data Sources” screen 🔌
“Data sources” is a new addition to the "Builder" section. It unifies all integrations and APIs in one place. This allows you to:
  1. Easily understand which data sources are connected to Port and which sources are being ingested into which blueprint.
  2. Easily connect new data sources using our in-product installation guides.
  3. Connect and view multiple sources of the same type. For example, installing the K8s integration on multiple Clusters.
Get R&D process insights with Dashboards 📊
You can now create dashboards that will appear as a page in the main catalog side menu (in addition to the dashboard tab on the specific entity page). Each dashboard can contain multiple widgets that display graphs and metrics related to your entire catalog, supporting various use cases such as SDLC, DORA metrics, cost management, system performance, and more ✨
Dashboards and catalog pages can be created using the "New" button in the Catalog.
Create personalized experiences with Homepage Customization 🏠
The homepage is now customizable. It supports adding multiple widgets, such as charts, iframes, and markdowns.
Coming soon - create dynamic filters for dashboard widgets. This supports creating a personalized experience on the homepage and any other dashboard.
Related entities widget - new tab
The “related entities” widget automatically displays a specific entity's upstream and downstream relations. Each relation is displayed as a tab with a table containing all related entities.
The “New tab” button allows you to add multiple relation tabs to add relations that are not automatically displayed by the widget and create different views. For example, Adding two deployment tabs, one for staging and one for production.
Specific entity page - reorder tabs
The specific entity page is now more customizable! Change the order of the entity page tabs to show the most important content to your users first.
Reorder tabs
Self-service actions - synced webhook invocation method
When defining a “webhook” invocation method for a self-service action, we have added the ability to define a “sync” webhook type. When this type is configured, Port will automatically determine the action status according to the HTTP response status code.
This capability is in addition to the already existing “Async” webhook type, in which Port will wait for the action status to be updated via an API call as part of the action’s logic.
Read more about the webhook invocation method.
GitLab integration - repository search
We have added support for mapping GitLab file content into Port using GitLab Advanced Search API. Combined with scorecards, you can define organizational standards across your repositories.
GitHub integration - GitHub teams & dependebot alerts support
We have added support for mapping GitHub teams & GitHub dependebot alerts into Port, allowing you to visualize:
  1. GitHub teams and their relations to each repository.
  2. Alerts detected by GitHub’s dependebot for your repositories, including the alert’s description and status.
See how to map GitHub teams and dependebot alerts into Port.
Swagger UI - YAML spec support
When creating a “Swagger UI” blueprint property, you can now ingest the API spec as YAML in addition to the URL and object formats.
Read more about the “Swagger UI” property.
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