Feel free to browse our latest up dates to see all our new and cool features that’ll help you build a better developer portal. Here's a sneak peak at our new and exciting features. Read about them and more below:
- Dashboards;
- Scorecards;
- Visualizations;
- Open API Swagger;
- GitHub & Bitbucket exporters;
- New property types;
- Self-service actions agent.
Port dashboards
We are very excited to announce “Port Dashboards”. This new feature allows you to create beautiful reports based on your catalog data, and arrange these reports in holistic dashboards.
With this tool, you can provide strategic insights for your engineering team and management. For example, how many open/merged/closed pull requests have your services had in the last week, or what is the weekly deployment count in the past month?
See here how to define your own dashboards.

We are very excited to announce “Scorecards”. Scorecards let you define your requirements and standards for quality, production readiness, productivity, and more. Once they are defined, you can easily track Indicators within the internal developer portal.
Scorecards can be configured in the blueprint definition. Each scorecard contains its relevant rules for each tier - bronze, silver, and gold. The tier indicates the current state of an entity (like a service or an environment) regarding a specific category (like quality, production readiness, and anything you would like to measure).
Once configured, the result of each scorecard will be displayed for each entity as a separate column and on the entity profile page
Read here how to define your own scorecards.

In order to make the software catalog more accessible to developers, we have implemented new exciting visualization features, as listed below.
All visualizations are configured in the blueprint definition as one of the blueprint's properties and can be reported easily through the Port API and data exporters (for example, export markdown files right from GitHub & Bitbucket.
Open API Swagger
To make it easier to find available APIs for a specific microservice, we’ve released a new integration that enables search and discovery of openAPI specifications in the software catalog. The integration not only grants search capabilities but also enables Port users to perform API requests right from Port’s UI.
You can now import and display OpenAPI specification files as Swagger UI tabs. Read more here.

Embedded URL
- Embedded URL visualizations incorporate all the developer tools within the context of the software catalog. From Datadog monitoring for a specific microservice to the Grafana dashboard showing cluster metrics. Read more here.
Entities graph view
We are very excited to announce the new “graph view” for entities. In the “Related Entities” section of an entity profile page, you can now toggle between the “table” and “graph” views.
The new “graph view” allows you to view all related entities in a beautiful graph visualization to easily understand dependencies and connections in your catalog.

GitHub & Bitbucket exporters (PRs, Issues, Repos)
Our new integrations with GitHub & Bitbucket allow you to export GitHub & Bitbucket objects (like pull requests, issues, workflows, and repositories) to Port as Entities of existing blueprints. This will allow you to easily extend your software catalog and provide more context while using it. For example -
- See all pull requests, issues, and repositories that are related to your services;
- Monitor your GitHub workflows in real-time right from Port.
See here how to use the GitHub exporter, and see here how to use the Bitbucket exporter.
Timer property type
When adding blueprints properties - you can now use the timer String format. Timer properties allow you to define expiration date & time that can trigger your internal workflows.
For example - defining a timer property for an ephemeral on-demand environment, and triggering a workflow that destroys that environment upon expiration. See how to use timer properties.

Self-service actions agent
Our execution agent provides you with a secure and convenient way to listen and act on invocations of Self-Service Actions and changes in the software catalog. By using the execution agent, you don't need to expose a public endpoint for Port to contact. See how to use the self-service actions agent.
Calculation property type
When adding blueprint properties - you can now use the
key. Calculation Properties make it easier to define properties that are based on values from other properties, with the added ability to transform the data.Calculation properties allow you to:
- Filter/Select/Slice/Concat from an existing property;
- Create math equations or modifications. For example, calculate the required disk storage by specifying page size, and the number of pages needed.
- Merge complex properties, including deep-merge and overriding.
The Calculation properties support the types
, number
, object
, array
, boolean
, and yaml
. See here how to use calculation properties.User property type
When adding blueprint properties - you can now use the new user string format to define different user-related properties (For example, the user who performed the deployment).
- The property doesn't have to be an existing Port user;
- Clicking on the user will direct you to the user’s profile page;
- You can read more about it here.

Support OneLogin Single Sign-On
We now support “OneLogin” single sign-on. In addition to the already existing Okta and Azure Active Directory. These integrations allow you to:
- Manage access to Port via your Identity Provider;
- Import your users and groups to Port and manage their permissions.
See here how to define single sign-on.
Related entities section - duplicate tabs
Inside the “Related Entities” section on the entity profile page, you can now duplicate existing tabs to create different views of the related entities. You can change each tab’s order, name, description, and filters.

Blueprints - changing the identifier/name of relations and properties
We have added the ability to change the identifier/name of relations and properties via the API. See how to change properties’ name, and see how to change relations’ identifier.