Dashboard widgets - line chart
Dudi - Port team
The line chart has been released! 📈
You can now create line charts based on number, aggregation, and calculation properties. See the docs .
We would love for your feedback on this new capability ✨
Gur Shafriri
Dudi - Port team
under review
Dudi - Port team
Merged in a post:
Track the evolution of a specific metric over time
Hugo Lassiège
I really like the idea of a dashboard, but there's one important feature missing, and that's the ability to follow a trend.
If, for example, I have a dashboard that lets me see the success rate of my builds, or the number of deployments per week, that's interesting. But the most interesting thing is to compare this value over time to see how it evolves.
I'd like to have a new type of graph to display the evolution of a metrics over time
Hugo Lassiège
to illustrate two kind of graph we use
The first screenshot is a metrics we compare to last month
The second screenshot is a graph to see the trend of cycle time over time
Dudi - Port team
Hugo Lassiège:
Hi Hugo, thank you so much for this awesome feedback! We are currently working on the ability to add line charts as dashboard widgets. This will allow you to display various metrics over time (and not just as a current number). You can see this feature here - https://roadmap.getport.io/ideas/p/dashboard-widgets-line-chart
If that's ok, I will merge these requests so you and the other voters can get updated on the progress.
Hugo Lassiège
Dudi - Port team: nice, indeed it's close to what I was expecting. Thanks a lot
Hugo Lassiège
Dudi - Port team I have a question however on this feature
You have two kinds of metrics available.
You can have a static value, on a specific blueprint. For example : uptime. And this value could change everyday but I don't have any history on the blueprint itself, except on the audit log.
And you have metrics computed from relations, on a dashboard for example. For example if I have services connected to deployments, I can have a visualization to display the number of deployments related to this service from last week.
(by the way, this value is not usable as a property and not usable in a scorecard, that's why I'm really interrested in this idea https://roadmap.getport.io/ideas/p/analytical-property-new-property-type-in-blueprints)
The feature here, would allow users to track both metrics :
- static value and their changes over time
- analytical property computed from a relation (considering this feature is planned)
Dudi - Port team
Hugo Lassiège:
Yes! The line chart will support both features you described.