Enhance Datetime properties filter capabilities
Matan Heled
Currently, filtering Datetime properties is limited to either relative (last x days) or a time range (05/01 - 07/01).
Being able to filter data such as "is not null" "specific day of the week(i.e only tuesday)" and more, can provide some nice information.
For example, create filter for all environments were the last login date is "null" indicating that they were never logged in to.
Rich Rein
I have a use case where relative comparison would be useful - but more so from a >=/<= perspective. We have entities that represent organization change requests/planned outages, and they can span multiple days. In order to render a view of those entities that might be impactful today, the logic would need to be something like "the start date is <= today and the end date is >= today" (to catch both single day events that occur today, and multi-day events that overlap today).
From an "additional filters" perspective, this feels like:
rules: [
"operator”: “<=”,
“property”: “planned_start_date”,
“value”: {
“preset”: “today”
"operator”: “>=”,
“property”: “planned_end_date”,
“value”: {
“preset”: “today”
From a "customize table" > "filters" perspective, a similar approach could be taken (with the >=/<= operators being available, and the same date-time presets being available for the relative value).
Matan Grady
Merged in a post:
Filter Time Properties with Relative Time Inputs
Aditya Krishnakumar
Currently, it is possible to create filters on time properties with the keywords "Between" and "Not Between", which search using the specific time-stamps the users picks.
The keyword "Is" is also supported with some specific relative times, but there is no way to add custom ones.
It would be a nice addition to have the ability to put a relative time-stamp instead of just hard-set ones.
Examples would be "Not Between (90 days ago) until (now)" or "Between (1 hour ago) until (1 day from now)".
James Daniels
Also suggest supporting "is blank" (aka "is null")
Paz Hershberg
This suggestion is a duplication of https://roadmap.getport.io/ideas/p/enhance-datetime-properties-filter-capabilities
Paz Hershberg
Also to have relative time options would be really useful.
For example the a time range of (15/01 - now) or (2 hours ago - 2 hours from now)