When defining scorecards, it would be helpful to be able to create rules that check if an entity has been defined in the relation. It would also be really helpful to either be able to create scorecards that refer to properties on related entities or to have scorecards that aggregate scores from score cards on related entities.
I have two real world use cases to provide examples for this.
I have the following entities with relations:
Repository -> Component -> Resource
The repositories are ingested from GitHub, so the component is not automatically populated. I would like to create a Scorecard that checks if at least one component has been associated with the GitHub repository.
Similarly, a component may have multiple resources related to it. These could be external services, S3 buckets, databases, etc. I would like to be able to create a Scorecard on the Component entity that filters for resources that have the type 'Database' and check that the database technology property is set to one of a few organization preferred database technologies.