We have an on_call_duty blueprint where we define the triager for each week. We would like to fill the assignee based on the current week's triager on a user form. I managed to do this with the following configuration
"week_number": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Week number",
"blueprint": "on_call_duty",
"format": "entity",
"default": {
"jqQuery": "now | strftime(\"%V\") | \"week_\"+."
"assignee": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Assignee",
"format": "user",
"dependsOn": [
"default": {
"jqQuery": ".form.week_number | .properties.triager"
On the first load of the form, the week number gets filled but not the assignee . If I close the form and reopen, the assignee gets filled properly.
Could you make the dependsOn configuration to be aware of dynamically set default values?
Thanks in advance!