URL (link) property displaying text instead of an icon
Jiri Melichar
Within a table view, I would like to display a text value (e.g. commit hash) and make it a link to the particular commit on GitLab/GitHub/...
Currently I can make the field type "string" and format "url" to make it a link, however I cannot control what is displayed for the property value - it's always icon of the website the link is pointing to.
Simon Beaulieu
Can we re-prioritize this if possible ? This would be quite the UX improvements for us. Even if it's just a label next to the icon that is currently displayed.
Dudi - Port team
Simon Beaulieu: Hi Simon, Thanks a lot for the feedback! This feature is on our minds and will definitely be added in the future. However, we don't have a concrete ETA for it yet. We will make sure to update on any progress 🙏
Gur Shafriri
This is currently being reprioritized, unfortunately was more complex than initially thought 🙏🏽
Hila Kashai
Travis Gosselin
Hila Kashai I'm really disappointed to see this move from planned back to exploring. We've had many of our team members express frustration at not being able to quickly find a link as an icon on the page. In addition it requires multiple properties to have a value and then make that valuable clickable. In terms of Port's experience this seems like an important one to resolve.
Hila Kashai
Hey! We are currently working on this and will update you with the progress soon!
Jiri Melichar
Hila Kashai Hi, this is great! Thank you. Is there an estimation when this could approximately be available in production?
Hila Kashai
Jiri Melichar: Hey again, I wanted to update you that due to some last-minute adjustments based on valuable customer feedback, we’ve taken the difficult decision to postpone this feature by a bit. I apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience!
We’ll keep you updated as soon as we have a new timeline. Please reach out to your CSM if you need anything in the meantime. 🙏