Feature ideas

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Detached Users and Teams when Modeled as Blueprints
Having users and teams represented as blueprints is surely a way forward to enable modeling an organizational structure of an enterprise in Port. Nonetheless, the current statuses (Invited and Active) are not enough. Namely, many users just need to be referenced in relationships, using a relation from some other blueprint to User, that are otherwise not actively using Port. Furthermore, for historical reasons, some users may be kept even though they had left the company long time ago. So, it would be good to introduce more statuses (like, Passive) that wouldn't be charged from licensing purposes. Such users would not be bidirectionally synced with the current internal list of users and teams. Invited users could be linked, but it is cumbersome to send invitations to users who wouldn't really require or able to log into Port. At the time of this writing, the ability to model users and teams as blueprints is in beta release. Relationships are a more powerful way to handle users than properties of type User. The latter allows non-existent users to be entered (via JSON editing mode), which is not the case with relationships. This is why it is important to be able to store inactive users, too. There are many use cases where knowing statuses of users is important. For example, counting the number of referenced users as mentors of a service doesn't provide a complete picture. If some of those users are not active, then the effective number of mentors is lower. Currently, there is no way to truly join data from different entity types, so handling users as entities is only the first step toward implementing more complex business rules in scorecards.
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